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Destinations Companion Workbook (PDF DOWNLOAD)

Product Details

The Destinations Companion Workbook is designed as a resource to accompany the Destinations manual. Inside you will find 52 worksheets that coordinate with the chapters in Destinations. Each worksheet offers an abbreviated version of the chapter to guide the learner through the material. Checklists, process questions, and client exercises are utilized to address both chemical and emotional issues together.

  • Learn how to make choices that positively influence and support your recovery
  • Change the way you think and what you believe to change the way you feel and behave
  • Understand the lifestyle changes that help prevent relapse
  • Develop and maintain the positive momentum for recovery and beyond

The Destinations Companion Workbook examines areas of negative thinking and thought distortions common in co-occurring recovery. Destructive thought patterns and inaccurate, exaggerated, and irrelevant thoughts are replaced with positive, accurate, and reality-based views and beliefs. Identifying these patterns is the first step to breaking the deception and lies that hold one captive. Once identified, emotional changes, and the resulting changed actions, can occur and recovery can truly begin.

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Destinations Companion Workbook (PDF DOWNLOAD)
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