This is a co-occurring disorders resource site designed specifically as a client-ready toolkit for the treatment of mental health and substance abuse issues.
Here you will find:
Skill building tools
Evidence-based information
Process questions
Client exercises
Helpful tips
Instructions for clinicians and case examples
All of these various resources are designed to help you in your recovery process. These resources address both chemical and emotional issues together and information is presented to help you develop specific life skills and reduce symptoms and prevent relapse.
You’ll find the skill building exercises, blog articles and e-books practical, relevant, well organized and easy to understand no matter where you are in your recovery journey.
The resources contained in this site examine areas of negative thinking and thought distortions, common in co-occurring recovery. Destructive thought patterns and inaccurate, exaggerated and irrelevant thoughts are replaced with positive, accurate and reality-based views and beliefs.
Identifying these patterns is the first step to breaking the deception and lies that holds people captive. Once identified, emotional changes in the resulting changed actions can occur and recovery can truly begin.
Co-Occurring Disorders Workbooks, Recovery Resources, Treatment Materials And Curriculum
Hal Baumchen, PsyD, LP, LADC is the Executive Director of Northland Counseling Services and the Clinical Director of Northstar Regional. He is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (LP) and a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) with over 30 years of counseling experience.
He received his Master’s Degree from Wheaton Graduate School, his Doctorate of Psychology (PsyD) from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and his Certificate in Co-Occurring Disorders from Adler Graduate School. He serves frequently as a seminar leader, and has taught workshops in the USA, Canada, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and India.
In addition, he co-authored:
Finding Hope Again: Overcoming Depression with Dr. Neil T. Anderson.