Glancing Back But Moving Forward
Consequences tell me that I need to change, but hope tells me that I can change. B. Both are important. Let me tell you how it is. Reviewing

The Ten Tenets of Change
Many people in recovery have become mired down in their own negative thinking. Likely your thoughts, and their resulting actions, have taken

Get a White Dog
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Second World War, referred to his level of periodic and hard biting depression

10 Essential Elements of Successful Treatment
Substance abuse treatment is often a monumental decision that can make an enormous difference in the length and quality of your life.

Staying Motivated
Most people in recovery are extremely motivated to do whatever it takes to get sober, be healthier, get their life back, and feel better – a

Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders
A co-occurring disorder diagnosis is indicated when an alcohol or drug-related disorder occurs alongside a mental health disorder. The menta

Understanding Relapse
Chemically dependent individuals can demonstrate relapse behaviors at any time throughout their recovery process, but are especially...

Now Hear This!
Making gains in co-occurring disorder treatment, as with most goals, requires sustained focus, enormous perseverance, and resolute...